Monday, October 15, 2012

Hands-On Workshop on WarpPLS; 11-12 January 2013; San Antonio, Texas

*** Two-Day Hands-On Workshop on WarpPLS: SEM Fundamentals with Linear and Nonlinear Applications ***

Structural equation modeling (SEM), or path analysis with latent variables, is one of the most general and comprehensive statistical analysis methods. Path analysis, multiple regression, ANCOVA, ANOVA and other widely used statistical analysis methods can be seen as special cases of SEM.

WarpPLS is a very user-friendly and powerful software tool that can be used for SEM, arguably being the first of its kind to implement linear and nonlinear algorithms. This software provides one of the most extensive sets of SEM outputs; among other things it is the first of its kind to automatically calculate indirect and total effects and respective P values, as well as to calculate full collinearity estimates.

This SEM fundamentals workshop (details below) is designed to be useful to beginners and intermediate SEM practitioners. Among possible participants are those who are interested in: (a) being productive co-authors or research collaborators, even if not doing SEM analyses themselves; (b) conducting basic SEM analyses occasionally in the future; (c) conducting SEM analyses of intermediate complexity on a regular basis.

*** Registration and additional details ***


*** Instructor ***

Ned Kock, Ph.D.
WarpPLS Developer

*** Location and dates ***

Our Lady of the Lake University
San Antonio, Texas
11-12 January 2013 (Fri-Sat), 8 am–5 pm

*** Workshop program at a glance ***

The main goal of this workshop is to give participants a practical understanding of how to use the software WarpPLS to conduct variance-based SEM. The workshop is very hands-on and covers linear and nonlinear applications.

Day 1 of workshop
Overview of workshop and formation of teams
Overview of web resources: Video clips, blog, publications, spreadsheets, and templates
Overview of steps 1 to 5 of a complete SEM analysis
Hands-on exercise: Complete SEM analysis
Resampling as shuffling multiple decks of cards
Choosing the right resampling method
Hands-on exercise: Resampling options
Choosing the right warping (i.e., nonlinear) algorithm
Viewing and interpreting plots of linear and nonlinear relationships
Hands-on exercise: Linear and nonlinear relationships
Charting non-standardized data
Reporting results in non-standardized terms
Hands-on exercise: Standardized to non-standardized results
Reading discussion: WarpPLS User Manual

Day 2 of workshop
Classical tests of mediating effects – Baron & Kenny and Preacher & Hayes
Using indirect and total effect outputs to test mediating effects
Hands-on exercise: Indirect/mediating and total effects
Reading discussion: Kock & Verville’s free questionnaire data article
Testing a moderating effect
Double, triple etc. moderation
Hands-on exercise: Moderating effects
Adding control variables into an analysis
Using second-, third- etc. order latent variables
Conducting a multi-group analysis
Hands-on exercise: Multi-group analysis
Reading discussion: Kock & Lynn’s lateral collinearity article
Conducting a full collinearity test
Hands-on exercise: Team project using participant’s own data
Presentation of results from team project